How to use Mobile Deposit

You must be enrolled in Online Banking to use mobile deposit.


To deposit a check with your mobile device:


  1. In the navigation menu, tap Transactions > Deposit Check.
  2. On the Deposit Check page, select the account, and enter the amount. Follow the instructions on the screen. (Image 1)
  3. On the Image Capture page, use your device to take a picture of the front and back of the check, then tap Submit Deposit. Guides on the screen help you align the check for the image. (Images 2, 3 & 4)

    Tip: If the image of the check is blurry, you can tap Retake Front or Retake Back to take a new picture.
  4. Tap Close. The check appears in the Deposited Checks tab in the Activity Center. 

Note:  Make sure to write "Mobile Deposit Only" on the back of the check under the endorsement.


Mobile Deposit Screen - Enter Information

Image 1

Take picture of front of check

Image 2


Take picture of back of check

Image 3

Make sure images look clear and information is correct. Submit deposit.

Image 4