How to use Mobile Deposit
You must be enrolled in Online Banking to use mobile deposit.
To deposit a check with your mobile device:
- In the navigation menu, tap Transactions > Deposit Check.
- On the Deposit Check page, select the account, and enter the amount. Follow the instructions on the screen. (Image 1)
- On the Image Capture page, use your device to take a picture of the front and back of the check, then tap Submit Deposit. Guides on the screen help you align the check for the image. (Images 2, 3 & 4)
Tip: If the image of the check is blurry, you can tap Retake Front or Retake Back to take a new picture.
- Tap Close. The check appears in the Deposited Checks tab in the Activity Center.
Note: Make sure to write "Mobile Deposit Only" on the back of the check under the endorsement.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4