Cash for the Holidays


Join our Christmas Club



The first known Christmas Club in America was established 1909.  We have offered Christmas Club saving accounts since the great depression of the 1930s.


We continue to offer these handy accounts for one simple reason. Many of our customers are big fans of Christmas Club saving accounts and they love them. Just a few years ago, Forbes magazine had this to say about the appeal of these accounts: "The popularity of Christmas club accounts isn't a mystery; if their money was in a regular account, people assumed they'd spend it.”


Our Christmas Club customers like having cash for holiday expenses or for annual taxes that have to be paid this time of year. They tell us they like a debt-free, “paid for Christmas.”


2018 Christmas Club checks were mailed on Thursday, October 25.


Open your 2019 Christmas Club account now at any of our full-service branches.


You may sign up for an automatic transfer from your checking or saving account to your Christmas Club account for added convenience!